Why understand and optimize plant nutrition
The conventional agronomic system approaches the plant’s nutrition mechanism by giving a great importance to the input supply, often focused on the nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium tryptic.
This training course proposes to adopt a new point of view by reconsidering the importance of all the elements of the plant and their role in the development mechanism. Also, this training course is an opportunity to understand the fundamental mechanisms for its growth and the importance of soil life to ensure its nutrition. Moreover, good nutrition is the basis a healthy and productive plant.
All these agronomic aspects are important for establishing a logical, comprehensive and balanced agronomic approach and build efficient cropping systems.
Afterwards, this training course should make it possible to evolve towards the implementation of agro-ecological practices and to reduce the use of inputs (fertilizers, phytosanitary products in particular).
Acquire knowledge to optimize plant nutrition
how the plant nutrition mechanism works
nutrition elements and their role in plant development
the role and importance of soil life in the plant nutrition mechanisms
important mechanisms in plant development
the relationship between nutrition, health, development and performance
an action plan on the farm to improve practices and set up efficient systems
agro-ecological practices to support plant development while reducing the use of inputs such as plant protection products or fertilizers
Farm operator
Collaborating spouse
Joint contributor
Family helper
Anyone in the process of setting up
To have completed a general BAC or an agriculture BAC PRO or to have professional experience in the agricultural sector (as an agricultural worker).
To have completed the training course " Evolve to agroecology to improve technical and agronomical performances.
If you have a physical disability, please let us know. We will make every effort to allow you to take full advantage of the training course.
Suitable for people with mobility impairments
Suitable for people with hearing impairment
Suitable for people with speech impairment
Suitable only for the
visually impaired persons
Peyrehorade (40) or surrounding area
Autumn 2024
14 hours
9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
4 minimum - 15 maximum
Understand how to optimize plant nutrition
1. First, second and third half-day
Classroom training
Use of a video projector and a paperboard
A permanent internet access to the slideshow and training course folder will be provided to each participant at the start of the course
Interactive exchanges with trainees
Co-construction with trainees of a plan action to promote plant nutrition
2. Fourth half day
Session on the plots of a nearby farm
Tests on soil samples from plots
Performing the test at the spade and use of
Realization of different measurements on the plant (pH, redox potential, sugar content)
Practical use of observation sheets
Discussion around the cultivation system in place and possible improvements
Interactive exchanges with the trainees throughout the half-day
Training in good conditions on plant nutrition
1. First, second and third half-day
Room equipped with a video projector and a projection screen
Use of a video slideshow
and a flipchart
Use of educational sheets (soil observation sheets, glossary of understanding soil analysis)
2. Fourth half day
Use of equipement for making a soil profile (knife, spade,…)
Use of measuring equipment soil parameters and the plant (pH meter, redox-meter, penetrometer, refractometer)
Practical use of soil observation sheets
Skills to accompany towards optimized plant nutrition
From knowledge to the implementation of a progress approach
1. Master the agronomic bases of nutrition and plant development
The plant and the nutritional elements (respective roles and reserves)
Plant nutrition and development, fundamental mechanisms
Plant growth, health and resistance, understand the relationship between these parameters​
2. Implement a progress approach on exploitation
The different axes of the method
Action levers and corresponding solutions
3. Put into practice on the plots of a farm
Plant and soil measurements
Implementation of different observation techniques
Use of different measuring tools (pH meter, penetrometer,...)
Use of the different observation and scoring sheets
Discussion on the practices implemented and ways to improve
Signing of an attendance sheet at the beginning of each half-day
At the end of the training course, a certificate will be given to each participant
End of course questionnaire completed by each trainee to check understanding and good acquisition of the different topics